Search Results for: sikh wedding rituals

Sikh Wedding Rituals – Vibrant Colors and Customs

If you have always remained fascinated with the colors, aroma, frolic and the energy of a Sikh wedding, then here is your ultimate reprise to a Sikh wedding.  Sikh wedding takes place primarily in Gurudwara. The rituals take place in front of their holy book, Guru Granth. The rituals of a Sikh Wedding Roka- When […]

Sahe Chithi Ideas for a Punjabi Wedding

Let’s first understand what Saha Chithi means. In Punjabi, Saha means marriage, and Chithi means a letter. Therefore, ‘Saha Chithi’ is essentially a wedding letter, also known as Sahe Chithi.  ‘Saha Chithi’ is like a wedding letter, also called Sahe Chithi. In Punjabi tradition, it serves as the official invitation given by the bride’s family […]

Christian Wedding Rituals In India

Indian Christian wedding rituals are a unique blend of Indian and Western traditions. They reflect the country’s diverse cultural heritage, characterised by their grandeur and traditional customs. While some rituals are common everywhere else in the world, there are few that have an Indian touch to them. Read on to learn more. Pre-wedding Rituals Engagement […]

Jahan & Nitima Wedding Story!

Love creates its own way, here it was meant to meet on Tinder, and we are excited to tell you their story 🙂 Groom’s side of the story  It had been a couple of months since I had been on Tinder, the relentless barrage of mundane people & conversations began to take a toll, until one […]

Hindu Wedding Rituals : The Most Traditional Way Of Wedding!

A traditional Hindu wedding is known for its grandeur and rituals that unite two souls for a lifetime. Every ritual and tradition that forms a part of a typical Hindu Wedding has some fascinating cultural and religious significance. Even though the rituals have been significantly modified to suit the needs of the changing times, their […]

Simplicity With Ethnicity – Maharashtrian Wedding Rituals

Marathi weddings are not known for a lot of pomp and show, rather a relay of rituals marks its beauty. Mostly Maharashtrian weddings occur in the morning. Not much wedding planning is required to make the wedding a grand success. A lot of rituals and a sacred environment makes it more special. Pre-Wedding Rituals: 1. […]

Classy Gujarati Wedding – Customs and Rituals

Gujarat – One of the prosperous states of India has a very varied n wide culture. Gujarati Wedding is very different from other Indian Weddings. In this article, we have described what makes this wedding unique from others and the customs followed by Gujarati’s during this important occasion. Let’s discover what happens before wedding, after […]

Marwari Wedding Rituals : Traditional & Beautiful

Marwadies are known as most traditional community who follow all the customs and traditions of wedding ceremony as well as other ceremonies. Their wedding ceremonies are divided into three parts. Have a look at the traditional and beautiful rituals of a Marwadi Wedding. Pre-wedding Rituals 1. Engagement ceremony: This ceremony is the first ceremony of […]

Muslim Wedding Rituals And Customs

Muslim weddings are simple, alluring, and elegant. Both Muslim men and women from around the world follow specific laws and practices laid down in Quran. Muslim wedding rituals extends up to three days. The colorful themes are being followed in different part of the world depending upon local traditions. Besides bride and groom, the relatives, […]

Exploring the Sacred Ritual of Kanyadan in Hindu Marriages

Hindu marriages are steeped in rich traditions and rituals, each symbolizing profound meanings and spiritual significance. One such ritual that holds immense importance is “Kanyadan,” where the bride is formally handed over to the groom by her parents. This sacred act is not merely a customary practice but a deeply rooted tradition that signifies the […]

Two hearts crossed paths to be one for the whole life.

Story Of Simrranjit & Ridhi In today’s world where digital platform is proving to be fruitful in every fields from finding friends on social media or buying things on online shopping. And finding or making friends over social media is common but finding true love of life on the same platform seems quite romantic and beautiful. […]

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