About Us

    VEE KAY is everybody's first choice & dream, when wedding invitation comes to the mind. Right from Engagement to the Wedding invitations and all programs, VEE KAY satisfies the tone for every occasion perfectly. The selection of materials and printings are just phenomenal! Plus, there's nowhere else in the Ludhiana where you can get such wonderful, personalized service with the unique collections of design patterns. When you're planning such an important & personal event, it's comforting to know that all your printing details are being taken ca ... More

    VEE KAY is everybody's first choice & dream, when wedding invitation comes to the mind. Right from Engagement to the Wedding invitations and all programs, VEE KAY satisfies the tone for every occasion perfectly. The selection of materials and printings are just phenomenal! Plus, there's nowhere else in the Ludhiana where you can get such wonderful, personalized service with the unique collections of design patterns. When you're planning such an important & personal event, it's comforting to know that all your printing details are being taken care of efficiently.
    VEE KAY is a full-service invitation and fine stationery boutique located in Books Market Ludhiana, Punjab, India. We specialize in invitations for weddings, social, business and all events. We offer an incredible selection range of invitations cards and stationery products. At VEE KAY you will find a complete collection of wedding invitations, birth announcements, party invitations, personalized social stationery and more. Offering the highest quality and commitment, from engraving and letterpress to colorful layers and bows, VEE KAY product lines represent everything you require. Whether you are planning a wedding or any event, having a baby, or hosting a business function, we would be honoured for you to choose VEE KAY.
    Our reputation is based on clients satisfaction, excellence in design and extraordinary service. We choose only the finest stationary products and deliver consistently reliable service for all budgets. We have in house facilities to produce cards and sweet boxes as per requirements. We have the required facilities to deliver the complete job within set time period. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Mon to Sat : 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • Different Language Option
    • Fancy Gift Box And Envelops
    • Handmade Cards And Scrolls
    • Digital E Card

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