About Us

    Astrologer nageshwar shastri is working in the field of astrology for the past many years. He teaches that you have free will up to a point, once you have decided on your chosen path it is up to you to take responsibility for yourself. He has combined astrology as well as palmistry, janam kundli, Vaastu shastra, rashi ratna, manglik pooja & anusthan and numerology. Numerology reports are based on the spelling of your name and your birth date. Each letter is reduced to a number, and then these digits are reduced to particular digits which then ... More

    Astrologer nageshwar shastri is working in the field of astrology for the past many years. He teaches that you have free will up to a point, once you have decided on your chosen path it is up to you to take responsibility for yourself. He has combined astrology as well as palmistry, janam kundli, Vaastu shastra, rashi ratna, manglik pooja & anusthan and numerology. Numerology reports are based on the spelling of your name and your birth date. Each letter is reduced to a number, and then these digits are reduced to particular digits which then can be interpreted in terms of their specific quality as determined over an impressively long historical tradition of analysis. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Mon to Sat : 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • Gemstones
    • House Visit
    • Numerology
    • Palmistry
    • Tarot Reading
    • Vaastu Service
    • Horoscope And Match Making
    • Hawan And Pooja

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