About Us

    Lagan Matrimonials And Planners Pvt. Ltd. Has been founded by Mr.Romesh garg and Mr. Arvind Garg with the simple and noble goal of providing the matrimony services by best match making experience thereby providing the widest, most suitable alternatives as potential life partners.
    We and our team are tirelessly engaged in various types of research and analysis so that we can understand the needs, concerns and preferences of singles in different parts of the country, belonging to different professions, hailing from different socio-cultural-e ... More

    Lagan Matrimonials And Planners Pvt. Ltd. Has been founded by Mr.Romesh garg and Mr. Arvind Garg with the simple and noble goal of providing the matrimony services by best match making experience thereby providing the widest, most suitable alternatives as potential life partners.
    We and our team are tirelessly engaged in various types of research and analysis so that we can understand the needs, concerns and preferences of singles in different parts of the country, belonging to different professions, hailing from different socio-cultural-economic background, so that we are able to provide them with the best choices for choosing someone as the most important person in their
    lives -- their life partners.
    Lagancreators.com is a matrimonial website with an utmost motive of providing better matrimonial services. ... ...Less

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      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Everyday : 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

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    Our Services

    • Match Making
    • Consulting Horoscope

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