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    1 User Review For Purohit Moshay

    • Reviewer
      Reviewed by Aveek
      On 06 Sep 2016

      Hi Friends, A couple of weeks back I posted a query in my social circle for a Purohit for Ganesh Puja at home. Someone shared a FB link of this person; I called him and fixed up an appointment for the Ganesh Chaturthi Puja yesterday, on 5th Sep. You will be surprised to know the entire duration for the Puja lasted for less than 40 minutes for which he charged Rs 4000/- (he had some rate card). Not that I am judging him by the time he spent or the money I paid but when I politely enquired on his shoddy procedures, he was shockingly rude to say “Who are you to question my methods, you know nothing about Hindu rituals” and kept on bragging about himself. As I had a few guests, I had to cut him short and paid him his dues and respectfully escorted him to his car. In case you are wondering why I questioned him, I come from a Bengali Brahmin family, and participate in atleast 3 pujas in a year that are take place at my home in Calcutta. I started the Ganpati puja this year at my Bangalore home and all I expected was a bit of humility from the person serving our prayers on the auspicious day. Please avoid falling prey to money minded people like these and their online gimmicks. God Bless!