About Us

    We would like to congratulate you and thank you for your contribution towards building a new, progressive and a vibrant world. In these dynamic and exiting times of fierce competition, information holds the key to realization of dreams, both on personnel and professional front. Decisions made by you today will impact u for the rest of ur life and shape the future of your organisation. Therefore, corporate decision makers are increasingly turning towards professionals in the field of investigation and detection to base their strategies on reason ... More

    We would like to congratulate you and thank you for your contribution towards building a new, progressive and a vibrant world. In these dynamic and exiting times of fierce competition, information holds the key to realization of dreams, both on personnel and professional front. Decisions made by you today will impact u for the rest of ur life and shape the future of your organisation. Therefore, corporate decision makers are increasingly turning towards professionals in the field of investigation and detection to base their strategies on reasons and fact and not on beliefs. With a mission to provide reliable and accurate information to the corporate sector, Indian Detective Agency Pvt. Ltd.was established by SANJAY SINGH in 1995, a dedicated professional detective for the past few years and has now grown into a most renowned internationally known outfit with global network. Indian Detective Agency Pvt. Ltd. Is equipped with the latest state of art surveillance and detection equipment to compliment our team of professional investigators. Our strength lies in the fact that we can bring our two decades of experience, resources and a dedicated team of professionals to consistently deliver high level of services, superior supervision and street knowledge to work for you. Our detective agency are handpicked individual screened for qualities of resourcefulness, integrity and quick decision making abilities to deliver results to you that are authentic, timely, gainful and confidential. ... ...Less

    Basic Info.

      • Payment Mode
      • Cash
      • Buss Days/Hrs
      • Everyday : 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
      • Media Coverage
      • Print- Times Of India, Hindustan Times
        television - Z News, Aaj Tak

    Our Portfolio

    Our Services

    • Guard Service
    • Body Guard Service
    • Matrimonial Verification

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